Social Management

With an extensive experience supporting projects focused on social rights and defending the most vulnerable groups, Andtropia offers different services aimed at the public administration, foundations and other NGOs. We want to work to guarantee the best quality of life for these people, both in Andorra and in other countries. We want to contribute to achieve a fairer and more equitable society by encouraging equal opportunities, especially between children and young people and other groups at risk of social exclusion.

What do we do?

Write reports and consultative documents

Ad hoc reports on different subjects: vulnerable groups (children, immigrants, socially excluded people), current regulations, analysis of problems and proposals for action.

Management of projects for NGOs

We are experts in the coordination, logistics and management of international cooperation projects. We offer support for NGOs seeking an independent professional to guide them along the way.

Policies and action plans

We create policies and action plans. We give advice on the drafting of strategic documents: identifying problems, creating action plans and giving support in the execution of strategic projects.


Dissenyem formacions a mida per a entitats públiques i privades sobre gestió i direcció d’associacions i fundacions, campanyes de comunicació, advocacia o captació de fons per a ONG’s, emprenedoria social, moda sostenible, introducció a la RSC, noves oportunitats fiscals per a la col·laboració amb entitats sense ànim de lucre, drets d’Infància i ODS, entre d’altres.

Organització d’Esdeveniments solidaris, sostenibles, inclusius i accessibles.

Xerrades, tallers, mercats, exposicions, àpats, actes culturals, etc. La llista és interminable, però un sol objectiu: que el teu esdeveniment sigui tot un èxit respectant l’entorn que l’envolta i les persones que en formen part.

Our service is tailored and adaptable to our client. We are results-oriented professionals and focus our service in achieving our purpose: to collectively build a better world. The creation of a better world will never depend on a single action but on the sum of small gestures. We want to raise the donor's generosity with a qualitative return of his contribution.

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