The Andtropia project is born, a company specialized in the management of social projects that focuses on philanthropy

roda de premsa presentació andtropia
A moment from Andtropia's presentation

It is an innovative and unique service in the country


  • Marta Alberch, founder and director of Andtropia, has more than 10 years of experience in the management of NGOs
  • Andtropia connects companies and individuals with the will to make a better world, responding to social issues that need a boost to turn around situations of inequality and lack of opportunities
  • It will also offer support to public administrations, NGOs and foundations in the social field through services such as project and program management


The conveyance of solidarity that characterizes Andorran society and the goal of promoting equity around the world have been the engine for launching Andtropia, a company specialized in social projects and focused on solidarity and philanthropy. Founded by Marta Alberch and under her direction, it has been conceived to respond to needs such as the management of solidarity through philanthropic projects, a service that until now was not covered in Andorra.


"Our purpose is to connect the will and altruism of the person and/or entity with real needs, channeling them through social impact projects to, together, make a better world”, explains the founder and director of Andtropia. "We have created one new category of solidarity in Andorra, empowering innovative initiatives aimed at improving the well-being and prosperity of humanity, while offering a tailor-made experience for the philanthropist and a qualitative return".


Since each company or philanthropic individual has different concerns and interests, Andtropia's portfolio of projects is varied and aligned with the 2030 agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus, you can find projects related to human rights, the conservation of flora and fauna, biomedical research or the protection and development of particularly vulnerable groups or regions.


"For a social project to be part of Andtropia, it must conform to the criteria established by our company. In other words that is, we value innovation and how a response is given to a specific cause, how the results are reached and how the beneficiaries value it. Also, we take into account that they are sustainable projects sustained over time", explains Alberch.


Andtropia also includes a line of complementary services aimed at administrations, institutions and companies that work for rights and welfare of the most disadvantaged groups, with special sensitivity for the children's group. Among the services covered are the writing of reports and activity reports ad hoc, the management of projects for NGOs and the preparation of documents and programs.


This side of the project focuses its action at the local level, in order to be able to implement policies and plans to favor the equal opportunities and the well-being of the most vulnerable groups, such as children, single-parent families or people at risk of social exclusion.


Andtropia presents today its corporate website, through which its digital presence will be conveyed, as well as its social networks, the tool through which it wants to maintain a quality conversation with all the people interested in the project .


They are currently underway and Andtropia is starting to manage its first projects, nationally and internationally, and profiling the portfolio of philanthropy projects. "After so many years working for other companies, materializing an own initiative to make a fairer and more equal world is a dream come true", concludes Alberch.

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